ADOLF SCHMIDT's Scientific Progress Until 1902

In Breslau ADOLF SCHMIDT already had come into contact with geophysics, which later on was to become the subject of his scientific work. He took part in the analysis of observations made during the International Polar Year, especially in the field of geomagnetism.
In Gotha the JUSTUS PERTHES Publishing House helped to develop his interest in geomagnetism and led him to important scientific research. There he wrote some of his most important works, dealing with the calculation of the potential of the geomagnetic field. The results attained in the works were of such far-reaching importance that he received an invitation to take part in the International Conference on Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, held in Bristol in 1898. At that conference the International Earth Magnetic Commission was founded. ADOLF SCHMIDT's participation led to his early nomination as a professor.
ADOLF SCHMIDT also became known through other scientific publications during his years in Gotha, so that he was appointed successor of the late Prof. MAX ESCHENHAGEN as director of the Potsdam Magnetic Observatory in 1902.
It must be mentioned that ADOLF SCHMIDT not only worked in his very own branch of research, but also published some work dealing with other geophysical problems. His meteorological research was particularly noteworthy, first of all his contribution to the competition of the Königsberg Physical and Economical Society. In 1891 ADOLF SCHMIDT succeeded in solving the given problem, namely to work up the Königsberg ground-temperatures, and so won the prize.
